Corporate Wellness

Welcome to Corporate Wellness

We offer tailored group sessions designed to strengthen team relationships and support individual wellbeing.


We lead nature connection activities of varying durations such as: team building weekends immersed in nature, engaging half and full day events surrounded by greenery, and rejuvenating short breaks amidst corporate events.


These activities are designed to facilitate a deep connection with nature, allowing participants to experience its beauty and serenity while fostering a sense of unity within the group. By engaging in activities such as guided nature walks, mindfulness exercises in natural settings, outdoor team challenges, and ecological restoration projects, participants can develop a profound appreciation for the environment and strengthen their bonds with each other.


Our packages are designed to be enjoyable and effective in reducing stress among staff members, while fostering team spirit and creativity. By addressing executive burnout, staff turnover, and absence, we aim to help our clients reduce significant costs.


Nature connection/Forest Bathing method has scientifically proven benefits, shifting participants from fight/flight to rest and repair states, resulting in relaxation and reduced stress and anxiety. It also improves physical wellbeing and enhances cognitive ability, leading to improved mental clarity and decision making. Our approach involves mindful engagement with nature, allowing participants to fully experience the present moment. This process can challenge confident, goal-driven team members to slow down and connect, while also building confidence in quieter team members. In nature, everyone is equal.



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